# GCOV tool # (1) Compile cactus with gcc using the options # -fprofile-arcs and -ftest-coverage # (2) Run the test suite # (3) from the Cactus dir, run GcovAnalysis.pl # usage: # perl GcovAnalysis.pl configuration_name use strict; use FileHandle; use Data::Dumper; use Cwd; my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd()."/"; # for debugging only my $count = 0; my $done = 0; # $ARGV[0] should be a configuration name my $dir = "configs/$ARGV[0]"; # Die if we can't find the config. die $dir unless(-d $dir); my %executed = (); my $lines = {}; # search the directories and call gcov do_dir($dir); # do post gcov analysis finish(); sub do_dir { my $fd = new FileHandle; my $f = shift; if($f =~ /\.(gcno|gcda)$/) { my $pre = $`; if(-r "$pre.gcda" and -r "$pre.gcno" and -r "$pre.o") { # We can only call gcov if we have both the # gcda and the gcno file gcov("$pre.o"); #$done = 1 if($count++ == 20); last if($done); } else { # We are missing one of the files needed by # gcov. We mark line 0 as not being executed # in order to make the src file show up on # index.html. Since there is no line 0, no # red mark shows up when displaying the file. my $unused = "$cwd$pre"; # There are no capital F's in the config dir $unused =~ s/\.F$/.f/; $unused =~ s/\.F90$/.f90/; $unused =~ s/\.F77$/.f77/; $lines->{$unused}->{0} = 0; } } if(-d $f) { opendir($fd,$f) or die $f; while(my $fn = readdir($fd)) { next if($fn eq "."); next if($fn eq ".."); last if($done); my $full = "$f/$fn"; # ignore automatically generated code as well as ExternalLibraries unless ($full =~ m'.*/cctk_Bindings$' or $full =~ m'.*/bindings$' or $full =~ m'.*/scratch$' or $full =~ m'.*/build/CactusBindings$') { do_dir($full); } } closedir($fd); } } sub finish { # Create the index.html file my $colors = new FileHandle; open($colors,">index.html"); my $xdir = undef; my $table = {}; my $fileids = {}; my $fileid = 1; my $yes = 0; my $no = 0; # Count up lines with zero count (no's), or # more than zero (yes's). Keep track by # directory, etc. for my $src (sort keys %$lines) { my $cn = 0; my $tot = 0; my $lo = undef; my $hi = undef; my $lsrc = $src; my $pre = ""; my $range = ""; unless($lsrc =~ s{^${cwd}}{}) { #print "SKIPPING $lsrc\n"; next; } $lsrc =~ s{^${dir}/}{}; # Find the directory for this file. # The arrangement dir is special. next unless($lsrc =~ m{arrangements/[^/]*/[^/]*/|.*/}); my $ndir = $&; my $nfile = $'; # Assign a unique id to each file $fileids->{$src} = $fileid++ unless(defined($fileids->{$src})); for my $line (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$lines->{$src}}) { if($lines->{$src}->{$line} == 0) { $no++; $table->{$ndir}->{dir}->{no}++; $table->{$ndir}->{file}->{$nfile}->{no}++; } else { $yes++; $table->{$ndir}->{dir}->{yes}++; $table->{$ndir}->{file}->{$nfile}->{yes}++; } } my $sfd = new FileHandle; my $wfd = new FileHandle; my $outfile = sprintf("file%05d.html",$fileids->{$src}); # Skip files that we can't locate open($sfd,$src) or open($sfd,"/dev/null"); open($wfd,">$outfile") or die $outfile; my $lineno = 1; print $wfd "\n"; print $wfd "\n"; print $wfd "\n"; while(my $line = <$sfd>) { my $col = "code"; my $lcol = "code"; if(defined($lines->{$src}->{$lineno})) { if($lines->{$src}->{$lineno} == 0) { $col = "bline"; $lcol = "bcode" } else { $col = "gline"; $lcol = "gcode"; } } # Some characters are treated specially in html my %e = ("<" => "<",">" => ">","&" => "&"," " => " ","\t" => " "); $line =~ s/[<>& \t]/$e{$&}/g; printf $wfd "\n",$lineno,$line; $lineno++; } print $wfd "
\n"; close($wfd); } my $col = get_color($yes,$no); my $per = percent($yes,$no); print $colors "\n"; print $colors "\n"; print $colors "\n"; for my $ndir (sort keys %$table) { my $lno = $table->{$ndir}->{dir}->{no}; my $lyes = $table->{$ndir}->{dir}->{yes}; my $col = get_color($lyes,$lno); my $per = percent($lyes,$lno); my $type = "DIR"; if($ndir =~ m{^arrangements/}) { $type = "THORN"; } print $colors "\n"; for my $nfile (sort keys %{$table->{$ndir}->{file}}) { my $src = "$ndir$nfile"; # Find the file on disk for my $f (("$cwd$dir$src","$cwd$src","$cwd$dir/$src")) { if(-r $f) { $src = $f; } } my $outfile = sprintf("file%05d.html",$fileids->{$src}); my $lno = $table->{$ndir}->{file}->{$nfile}->{no}; my $lyes = $table->{$ndir}->{file}->{$nfile}->{yes}; my $col = get_color($lyes,$lno); my $per = percent($lyes,$lno); if(defined($fileids->{$src})) { print $colors "\n"; } else { print $colors "\n"; } } } print $colors "
$type: $ndir$per
\n"; close($colors); exit(0); } # Call gcov on the file. Only do it once. sub gcov { my $file = shift; return if(defined($executed{$file})); print "gcov $file\n"; $executed{$file}++; system("gcov $file > /dev/null"); for my $gcov (<*.gcov>) { analyze($gcov); unlink($gcov); } } # Populate the lines data structure # with execution counts. sub analyze { my $file = shift; my $fd = new FileHandle; open($fd,$file) or die $file; my $src = undef; while(<$fd>) { if(/Source:(.*)/) { $src = $1; } elsif(/^\s*(\d+):\s*(\d+)/) { $lines->{$src}->{$2} += 1*$1; } elsif(/^\s*#####:\s*(\d+)/) { $lines->{$src}->{$1} += 0; } } } sub get_color { my $yes = shift; my $no = shift; return "0000FF" if($yes == 0 and $no == 0); my $green = (255.0*$yes)/($yes+$no); my $red = 255.0-$green; return sprintf("%02x%02x00",$red,$green); } sub percent { my $yes = shift; my $no = shift; return sprintf("%2.1f%% of %d",(100.0*$yes)/($yes+$no),$yes+$no); }