================================================================================ CarpetHDF5 database plugin for VisIt 2.* ================================================================================ A database plugin for VisIt to read Carpet curvilinear meshes and/or standard Carpet AMR grids. Note that this version does only work with VisIt 2.*. For earlier implementations use the version for VisIt 1.* (see website). This plugin relies on the C++ HDF5 library. For compiling, VisIt (and hence this plugin) also requires "cmake" to be installed. To install: 0) Set your PATH environmental variable to include your "visit/bin" 1) run ./install 2) edit "CMake" tab and modify the C/C++ HDF5 paths if necessary. 3) save and close window On Mac OS X, you may also need to update the paths to the HDF5 library in the installed database plugins: install_name_tool -change '@executable_path/../lib/libhdf5.dylib' '/usr/local/lib/libhdf5.1.dylib' ~/.visit/darwin-i386/plugins/databases/libEvisitCarpetHDF5Database_ser.dylib install_name_tool -change '@executable_path/../lib/libhdf5.dylib' '/usr/local/lib/libhdf5.1.dylib' ~/.visit/darwin-i386/plugins/databases/libIvisitCarpetHDF5Database.dylib install_name_tool -change '@executable_path/../lib/libhdf5.dylib' '/usr/local/lib/libhdf5.1.dylib' ~/.visit/darwin-i386/plugins/databases/libMvisitCarpetHDF5Database.dylib ============================================================================== Hint for MacOS-X users ============================================================================== Should you experience the following error on Mac OS X Incompatible library version: libMvisitCarpetHDF5Database.dylib requires version 6.0.0 or later, but libhdf5.dylib provides version 1.0.0 then you might try the following: (1) Get the hdf5 source code (version 1.8.2 is known to work with VisIt 1.10.0 and 1.11.0) here: ftp://ftp.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/current/src/ (2) Extract the source code and: $ ./configure --enable-cxx $ make $ make install (3) Make sure that within hdf5/include, there is H5Cpp.h, and that within hdf5/lib, there is libhdf5.dylib. (4) Get the plugin from (revision dated 2008-12-30 is known to work): https://svn.cactuscode.org/VizTools/CarpetHDF5 (5) Make sure your path is set to include the Visin bin/ directory (e.g. /Applications/VisIt.app/Contents/Resources/bin/ or /usr/local/visit/bin/ ). (6) Delete any Makefile that comes with the plugin and do (in the visitCarpetHDF5 directory): $ xmledit visitCarpetHDF5.xml (7) Go to the tab "CMake" and use the following flags: CXXFLAGS= -I{YOUR_H5_DIR}/include -I{YOUR_VISIT_DIR}/include LDFLAGS= -L{YOUR_H5_DIR}/lib -L{YOUR_VISIT_DIR}/lib (8) Now do the following (in the visitCarpetHDF5 directory): $ xml2plugin visitCarpetHDF5.xml $ make (9) Start VisIt and it should work. ============================================================================== Environment variables ============================================================================== CarpetHDF5 utilises certain environment variables to modify its behaviour. If VISIT_2D_GRANULARITY_FUDGE is set to "yes" then no nesting information for 2D data is set up, which can help avoiding white borders around refinement levels, but which also leads to an undefined order in which refinement levels are drawn. If CARPETHDF5_CACHE_METADATA is set to "no" then CarpetHDF5 will not cache metadata of databases when opening and closing files. This reduces the memory footprint and makes the "Close" button in VisIt act as expected, but can dramatically reduce performance when more than one database is open at the same time.