Building ygraph from source =========================== 0. If you are using the source tree directly from CVS, then run the following commands in the ygraph-directory: `gettextize -c --intl' `rm m4/lib-prefix.m4' `autoreconf -i' If you like (or want to build a tarball) you can (should) run `find . -name "*~" -exec rm "{}" \;' to get the backup files created by this procedure removed. 1. When you got the tarball, untar it and change into the ygraph*-directory. 2. Type `./configure' in this directory. 2. Type `make' to build the executable. 3. Type `make install' to install the executable under /usr. If you'd like to put the executable somewhere other than /usr, at the first step use the --prefix option to the configure command, eg. `./configure --prefix=/opt' will put cause the package to be put under /opt when you run `make install'. There is test data in the test/ directory. Once you've compiled the ygraph executable and put it in your path, try: ygraph test/*.xl To list the command-line options, use: ygraph --help The `make install' command will have installed a man-page under /man/man1 There is an html version of the man-page installed in /share/doc/ygraph/html Dependencies ============ To use the souce from CVS you have to have autoconf at least in version 2.57 and a recent version of automake. The following libraries are recommended to build the ygraph executable: glib 1.2 gtk 1.2 gdk-imlib 1.9.14 popt 1.6 zlib1g 1.1.4 (other version numbers also may work). In order to create html and man-page documentation, docbook2html docbook2man can be used to compile doc/ygraph.sgml. To produce images from ygraph plots, it may be useful to link: libjpeg libtiff libpng See src/ to include/exclude any of these. Notes ===== - To update the version number, etc, change - To build a statically linked version, edit src/ to include ygraph_FLAGS=static It seems that it also requires -lpthread and -lX11 on the LIBS line, which were not required for the dynamically linked version.