# Parameter definitions for thorn MDS # $Header$ shares: simpleworm EXTENDS KEYWORD mf_method { "mds" :: "Find machine by MDS" } USES INT worm_machines private: KEYWORD mf_findby "Find the machine by what criteria" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "cpu1" :: "best cpu load in the past 1 minute" "cpu5" :: "best cpu load in the past 5 minutes" "cpu15" :: "best cpu load in the past 15 minutes" "cpuspeed" :: "best cpu speed" "cpucount" :: "Most cpu counts" "freenodes":: "Number of free nodes" "hostname" :: "By hostname" } "hostname" INT mf_findbyrank "Find the 1st, 2nd, etc. best machine fro a given criteria" { 0:* :: "Zero is top, no bigger than available machines!" } 0 STRING mf_hostname "Check GIIS for availability of this host" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: A regex which matches everything } "origin.aei.mpg.de" KEYWORD mf_findbycycle "Cylce through machines top-down-BestXX" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "yes" :: "cycle through machines" "no" :: "do not cycle through machines" } "no" STRING GIIS_servers "list of GIIS servers to query" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "^([ ]*[A-Za-z][-0-9A-Za-z_.]+:[0-9]+[ ]*)+$" :: List of space-separated pairs } "mds.egrid.org:2145" STRING host "GIIS host to query" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: A regex which matches everything } "mds.egrid.org" INT port "Port of GIIS host" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 1000:16000 :: "Valid ranges > 1000" } 2135 STRING sec_host "Secondary GIIS host to query" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: A regex which matches everything } "lindir.ics.muni.cz" INT sec_port "Port of Secondary GIIS host" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 1000:16000 :: "Valid ranges > 1000" } 2145 STRING gris_script_host "GIIS script host" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: A regex which matches everything } "localhost" INT gris_script_port "GIIS script port" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 1000:16000 :: "Valid ranges > 1000" } 9999 STRING gris_back_host "GIIS script back connection host" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: A regex which matches everything } "localhost" INT gris_back_port "GIIS script back connection port" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 1000:16000 :: "Valid ranges > 1000" } 9998 INT min_nodes "Number of nodes needed" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0:16000 :: "Valid ranges > 0" } 1 STRING base_dn "MDS Object class to query for" { .* :: A regex which matches everything } "o=Grid" INT every_it "GIIS server query intervalls in iterations" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { -1:* :: "Query every n iterations (if every_min==0) or checks time this often" } 1 INT every_min "GIIS server query intervalls in iterations" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { -1:* :: "Query after n minutes, check time every >every_it< minutes" } 0 BOOLEAN mds_html "Produce a HTML page on master (takes time for MDS lookups)" { } "yes" KEYWORD verbose "Info output for MDS" { "yes" :: "Info" "no" :: "No info" "debug" :: "Info + debug" } "no" STRING owner "Who started this run?" { .* :: A regex which matches everything } "sc2000" KEYWORD publish "Output info to MDS server" { "yes" :: "Info" "no" :: "No info" } "no"