# Parameter definitions for thorn Renderer # $Header$ # width # sizeY # lighting on/off # ambientlight 0.1 # rotationX, Y, Z # scale 1.0 # translationX,Y,Z # drawstyle {Points,Lines,Polygons} # composite {bswap, mpireduce, treereduce, bswapclient } private: INT width "Width of the framebuffer" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "some positive integer" } 512 INT height "height of the framebuffer" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "some positive integer" } 500 BOOLEAN lighting "Light the displayed object using diffuse lightmodel" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "yes" CCTK_REAL ambientlight "Ambient lighting level for the scene" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0.0:1.0 :: "a float between 0.0 and 1.0" } 0.1 CCTK_REAL lightvectorX "x-component of lighting vector (auto-normalized)" { .* :: "a float" } 1.0 CCTK_REAL lightvectorY "y-component of lighting vector (auto-normalized)" { .* :: "a float" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL lightvectorZ "z-component of lighting vector (auto-normalized)" { .* :: "a float" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL redlight "Red diffuse lighting level for the scene" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0.0:1.0 :: "a float between 0.0 and 1.0" } 1.0 CCTK_REAL greenlight "Green diffuse lighting level for the scene" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0.0:1.0 :: "a float between 0.0 and 1.0" } 1.0 CCTK_REAL bluelight "Blue diffuse lighting level for the scene" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0.0:1.0 :: "a float between 0.0 and 1.0" } 1.0 CCTK_INT colorize_axis "Colorize by axial direction" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0:2 :: "Integer axis number x=0,y=1,z=2" } 0 CCTK_REAL spinX "Spin in X axis" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "spin-rate in radians-per-iteration" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL spinY "Spin in Y axis" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "spin-rate in radians-per-iteration" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL spinZ "Spin in X axis" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "spin-rate in radians-per-iteration" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL rotateX "Rotation in X axis" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "rotation in degrees" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL rotateY "Rotation in Y axis" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "rotation in degrees" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL rotateZ "Rotation in X axis" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "rotation in degrees" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL translateX "Translation in X direction" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "translation in pixels" } 256.0 CCTK_REAL translateY "Translation in Y direction" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "translation in pixels" } 256.0 CCTK_REAL translateZ "Translation in X direction" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "translation in pixels" } 256.0 CCTK_REAL scale "Uniform scaling in all directions. 1.0 is no scaling" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "scaling of image" } 500.0 KEYWORD drawtype "Render type" { "points" :: "Render as points" "lines" :: "Render as wireframe" "polygons" :: "Render as polygons" } "polygons" BOOLEAN hilite_verts "Highlight the vertices with white-points" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "true or false" } "no" BOOLEAN dump_images "Write images to subdirectory" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "true or false" } "yes" BOOLEAN autoscale "normalize the scale to fit window" { .* :: "true or false" } "yes" STRING image_dir "Which subdirectory to put the images into" { .* :: "any valid path" } "Renderer" STRING image_prefix "Name the images prefix.num.ppm" { .* :: "any valid file prefix name" } "ren" ############################################################################# ### import IOUtil parameters ############################################################################# shares: IO #################### # verbose flag #################### USES BOOLEAN verbose