## Some Make flags # -DNITER=100 will set the number of iterations to use for the test # -DMY_ISEND=MPI_Isend will override the ISEND used for comm # use this for testing MPI_Irsend,MPI_Issend, MPI_Ibsend, MPI_Isend ## CC = gcc CXX = g++ CFLAGS = -g -DNITER=100 -DMY_ISEND=MPI_Isend MPIHOME = /usr/local MPIINC = -I${MPIHOME} MPILIB = -L${MPIHOME} -lmpich FLEXIO = /home/jshalf/Develop/FlexIO FLEXINC = -I$(FLEXIO) FLEXLIB = -L$(FLEXIO) -lieeeio # SerialTest : Test the WaveToy stuff # ParTest : Just test the domain decomp machinery # MPItest : test simplest MPI comm # PthreadTest : test cube domain decomposition with pthreads # PthreadSlice : test slice domain decomp with pthreads MAIN = MPIperf # MAIN = PthreadTest LD = -lpthread include Makefile.rules