Cactus Code Thorn ShmServ Authors : Managed by : Version : 2.0 CVS info : $Header$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Purpose of the thorn Shared Memory Data Server. Interoperates with Visapult Parallel Image-Based volume renderer. Shmem data server creates shared memory segment in which to store current contents of a gridfunction. The shared memory is then read by a "dataserver" process which is either forked by this thorn or can be an entirely separate parallel application that binds to the advertised shmem addresses created by this thorn. This allows the data server to push packets out to the network entirely independently of the physics part of the app but uses fork() rather than threads() (gets around some really nasty issues with threading). 2. Dependencies of the thorn This thorn additionally requires thorn PUGH. 3. Thorn distribution This thorn is available to public. 4. Additional information