Cactus Code Thorn SimpleWorm Authors : ... CVS info : $Header$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of the thorn: --------------------- Simple worm application. Usage: ----- The thorn exists in two modes, server and client. This is controlled by the SimpleWorm::master parameter. The authentication is done via the ssh-agent mechanism, so all machines which you wish the worm to go to must have your ssh public key installed. You also need to enable ssh-agent port forwarding, e.g. by putting Host * ForwardAgent yes in your ~/.ssh/config file. Server: ------ On a machine which will always be accessable, run ssh-agent This will return some commands to set env.variables you need to run (setenv ....) ssh-add then run cactus with the SimpleWorm thorn set as master, as per the example parameter file. Client (i.e. worm): ------------------- Set the name and http port of the server machine in the parameter file, then start cactus with the SimpleWorm::master = "no" There are several steerable parameters which control where the job will go next - machine, username, path on new machine, and any extra command, such as mpirun, necessary to run the executable. Status Messages: --------------- The server logs the status of the worm, and provides a URL to the worms http port. To-Do: ----- Loads ! 1) Make most recent log messages appear at top. 2) Allow client to try to contact server later if the server is inaccessable when it tries. 3) Security ...