# Parameter definitions for thorn Spawner # $Header$ restricted: BOOLEAN debug "In debug mode the spawning commands aren't actually executed" { } "no" STRING executable "The name of the executable to use" { ".*" :: "Anything" } "" STRING spawn_outdir "Name of the spawn directory" { .* :: "Directory" } "SPAWN" STRING spawn_basefile "Name to prepend before directories,files,etc." { .* :: "Name" } "SPAWN" STRING spawn_parenthost "Hostname to return spawn data to" { .* :: "Hostname; defaults to parent; to be set by spawner" } "AS_PARENT" STRING spawn_parentdir "Directory to return spawn data to" { .* :: "Directory Name; defaults to parent; to be set by spawner" } "AS_PARENT" STRING spawn_parentkey "ID of the parent process" { .* :: "A string" } "" BOOLEAN archive_data "Move spawn data in archive (vs single files)" { } "yes" BOOLEAN archive_compress "Try archive compression if archive_data==yes" { } "no" STRING archive_name "Name of the archive file" { .* :: "Filename" } "" KEYWORD mode "How to do the spawning" { "script" :: "Using perl script" "server" :: "Using server" "none" :: "Write files but don't spawn" } "none" BOOLEAN clean "How much tidying up to do" { } "yes" STRING machine "How to choose the machine" { ".*" :: "Anything" } "round" BOOLEAN test "Run routines in main simulation as well as spawning" { } "no" KEYWORD info "Amount of information to print about spawning" { "debug" :: "Copious information for debugging" "standard" :: "Default" "none" :: "Say nothing" } "standard" STRING do_spawn_routines "Scheduled routines which should always be spawned" { .* :: "Space separated list" } "" STRING do_spawn_timebins "Timebins for which functions should always be spawned" { .* :: "Space separated list" } "CCTK_ANALYSIS" STRING donot_spawn_routines "Scheduled routines which should never be spawned" { .* :: "Space separated list" } "" STRING donot_run_routines "Routines not to run in spawned simulation" { .* :: "Space separated list" } "" STRING do_run_timebins "Timebins to run in spawned simulation" { .* :: "Space separated list" } "CCTK_BASEGRID CCTK_RECOVER_VARIABLES CCTK_TERMINATE" STRING do_run_routines "Routines to run in spawned simulation (filled in by Spawner)" { .* :: "Space separated list" } "" INT generation "Spawn generation (filled in by Spawner)" { 0:* :: "0 is original, 1 is once spawned, etc." } 0 INT spawn_count "Number of spawned routines. Set by Spanwer in spawned parfile" { 0:* :: "" } 0 KEYWORD spawn_mode "Spawning mode: announce/instant spawning" { "announce" :: "Announce files for spawning, do not spawn" "spawn" :: "Announce files for spawning and spawn" } "spawn" BOOLEAN output "Should spawned routines do the standard output" { } "no" # Needed for appending to new parameter files shares: IO USES STRING out_dir USES STRING recover_dir # Because we are stealing Evolve from PUGH shares: cactus USES KEYWORD terminate USES REAL cctk_initial_time USES REAL cctk_final_time USES INT cctk_itlast USES BOOLEAN terminate_next