# Parameter definitions for thorn TimeGeodesic # $Header$ shares: grid private: BOOLEAN num_active "Integration of geodesics in numerical spacetime" { } "no" BOOLEAN exa_active "Integration of geodesics in exact spacetime" { } "no" BOOLEAN findnum_IJ "Find I and J on geodesics in numerical spacetime" { } "no" BOOLEAN findexa_IJ "Find I and J on geodesics in exact spacetime" { } "no" BOOLEAN num_test "Tests of geodesic integration" { } "no" BOOLEAN out_xgraph "Output of geodesic components in xgraph format" { } "no" KEYWORD geopos "Initial position of geodesics" { "x00" :: "Uniform distribution along x axis" "0y0" :: "Uniform distribution along y axis" "00z" :: "Uniform distribution along z axis" "xy0" :: "Uniform distribution along xy diagonal" "x0z" :: "Uniform distribution along xz diagonal" "0yz" :: "Uniform distribution along yz diagonal" "xyz" :: "Uniform distribution along xyz diagonal" "grid" :: "Uniform 3D down-sampled distribution" "file" :: "Positions read from an external file (not impemented)" } "grid" INT geodesics "Number of geodesics" { 1:* :: "At least one geodesic please" } 32 INT downsample "Downsample parameter for 3D array of geodesics" { 1:* :: "Downsampling must be positive" } 4 INT out_every "Output geodesics every nth timestep" { 1:* :: "out_every must be a positive number" } 1