Cactus Code Thorn IOASCII Author(s) : Gabrielle Allen Tom Goodale Thomas Radke Maintainer(s): Cactus team Licence : LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Purpose This thorn does 1D, 2D, and 3D output of 3D variables in ASCII format. 1D output slices through the edge (in octant mode) or center (in all origin-centered modes) of the grid in the x,y, and z directions. If the grid is cubed it will also slice in the diagonal direction. Ouput files can be processed with either gnuplot or xgraph. 2D output is done for the xy, xz, and yz plane. Ouput files can be processed with the splot command in gnuplot. 3D output is simply done for the full 3D grid variables. Ouput files can be processed with the splot command in gnuplot. The IO methods "IOASCII_1D", "IOASCII_2D", and "IOASCII_3D" are registered which can be called by other thorns via CCTK_OutputVarAsByMethod() to output a variable without specifying it in the parameter file. 2. Additional information