friend: Einstein EXTENDS KEYWORD system "Description here" { "ADM" :: "Evolve using ADM evolution scheme" } EXTENDS KEYWORD method "Description here" { "stagleap" :: "Evolve using Staggered Leapfrog", "leapfrog" :: "Evolve using Double Leapfrog", "ICN" :: "Evolve using Iterative Crank-Nicholson", "icn" :: "Evolve using Iterative Crank-Nicholson" } private: REAL ADM_flatNablaAlpCoeff "Amount of G-code like flatspace nabla^2 alp added to alp source" { } 0.0 REAL ADM_nablaAlpCoeff "Amount of covariant nabla^2 alp added to alp source" { }0.0 REAL ADM_nablaKCoeff "Amount of covariant nabla^2 K added to K source" { } 0.0 REAL ADM_ICN_stopAtNorm "???" { } 1e-8 LOGICAL ADM_ICN_itnum "hardwire the number of iterations of ICN" { } "no" INTEGER ADM_ICN_itnum_min "minimum number of iterations of ICN" { } 1 KEYWORD ADM_DL_firstStep "How should we evolve the first ADM spacetime evolution step" { "ftcs" :: "Forward time centered space" "predcorr" :: "Predictor Corrector" } "ftcs" KEYWORD ADM_SL_firstStep "How should we evolve the first DL timestep" { "ts1" :: "??" "predcorr" :: "Predictor Corrector" } "ts1" LOGICAL ADM_constraintsPersist "Keep storage of ham and mom* around for use in special tricks?" { } "no" LOGICAL ADM_verbose "Give more detailed information about the evolution step" { } "no" LOGICAL ADM_ICN_normError "normalize icn error on a per point basis" { } "no" LOGICAL ADM_evolStorage "turn on storage for ADM evolution variables as default?" { } "no" LOGICAL ADM_SL_storage "turn on stagleap storage as default?" { } "no" KEYWORD ADM_slicingFlavour "none or kleing" { "none" :: "The standard" "kleing" :: "As implemented in the kleing code" "bam" :: "As implemented in the BAM code" } "none" LOGICAL ADM_keep_alp0 "no or yes" { } "no" LOGICAL calc_BMvariables "Whether to calculate the BM variables at the end of the timestep" { } "yes" LOGICAL ADM_minimalCommunications "If yes do not sychronise the extrinsic curvature" { } "no" LOGICAL ADM_constraintCommunication "If yes sychronise the constraints" { } "no" LOGICAL ADM_evolveG "ADM: whether to evolve G, or whether to recompute G from g" { } "yes" LOGICAL linearelliptic_persist "??" { } "yes" INTEGER iteration "CCTK-HACK" { } "yes"