#include "cctk.h" c ================================================================== SUBROUTINE cartesian_to_spherical(theta,phi,r,gxxs,gxys,gxzs, & gyys,gyzs, gzzs,grrs,grts,grps,gtts,gtps,gpps,dgxxs,dgxys, & dgxzs,dgyys,dgyzs,dgzzs,dgtts,dgtps,dgpps) c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c c Convert components of a symmetric 2nd rank 3D tensor on a 2-sphere c from Cartesian to spherical polar coordinates c c (x,y,z) ----> (r,t,p) c c ( gxx gxy gxz ) ( grr grt grp ) c ( . gyy gyz ) ----> ( . gpp gtp ) c ( . . gzz ) ( . . gpp ) c c Also convert radial derivatives of the tensor components c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT NONE c Input variables CCTK_REAL,INTENT(IN) :: & r CCTK_REAL,INTENT(IN),DIMENSION (:) :: & theta,phi CCTK_REAL,INTENT(IN),DIMENSION (:,:) :: & gxxs,gxys,gxzs,gyys,gyzs,gzzs,dgxxs,dgxys,dgxzs,dgyys,dgyzs, & dgzzs c Output variables CCTK_REAL,INTENT(OUT),DIMENSION (:,:) :: & grrs,grts,grps,gtts,gtps, & gpps,dgtts,dgtps,dgpps c Local variables INTEGER :: & it,ip,Nt,Np CCTK_REAL :: & ct,st,cp,sp,ct2,st2,cp2,sp2,r2,gxx,gxy,gxz,gyy,gyz,gzz,dgxx, & dgxy,dgxz,dgyy,dgyz,dgzz CCTK_REAL,PARAMETER :: & two = 2.0D0 c ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nt = SIZE(theta) Np = SIZE(phi) r2 = r*r DO it = 1, Nt ct = COS(theta(it)) ; ct2 = ct*ct st = SIN(theta(it)) ; st2 = st*st DO ip = 1, Np cp = COS(phi(ip)) ; cp2 = cp*cp sp = SIN(phi(ip)) ; sp2 = sp*sp gxx = gxxs(it,ip) ; dgxx = dgxxs(it,ip) gxy = gxys(it,ip) ; dgxy = dgxys(it,ip) gxz = gxzs(it,ip) ; dgxz = dgxzs(it,ip) gyy = gyys(it,ip) ; dgyy = dgyys(it,ip) gyz = gyzs(it,ip) ; dgyz = dgyzs(it,ip) gzz = gzzs(it,ip) ; dgzz = dgzzs(it,ip) grrs(it,ip) = st2*cp2*gxx+st2*sp2*gyy+ct2*gzz & +two*st2*cp*sp*gxy+two*st*cp*ct*gxz+two*st*ct*sp*gyz grts(it,ip) = r*(st*cp2*ct*gxx+two*st*ct*sp*cp*gxy & +cp*(ct2-st2)*gxz+st*sp2*ct*gyy+sp*(ct2-st2)*gyz-ct*st*gzz) grps(it,ip) = r*st*(-st*sp*cp*gxx-st*(sp2-cp2)*gxy-sp*ct*gxz & +st*sp*cp*gyy+ct*cp*gyz) gtts(it,ip) = r2*(ct2*cp2*gxx+two*ct2*sp*cp*gxy & -two*st*ct*cp*gxz+ct2*sp2*gyy-two*st*sp*ct*gyz+st2*gzz) gtps(it,ip) = r2*st*(-cp*sp*ct*gxx-ct*(sp2-cp2)*gxy & +st*sp*gxz+cp*sp*ct*gyy-st*cp*gyz) gpps(it,ip) = r2*st2*(sp2*gxx-two*cp*sp*gxy+cp2*gyy) dgtts(it,ip) = two/r*gtts(it,ip)+r2*(ct2*cp2*dgxx & +two*ct2*sp*cp*dgxy-two*st*ct*cp*dgxz+ct2*sp2*dgyy & -two*st*sp*ct*dgyz+st2*dgzz) dgtps(it,ip) = two/r*gtps(it,ip)+r2*st*(-cp*sp*ct*dgxx & -ct*(sp2-cp2)*dgxy+st*sp*dgxz+cp*sp*ct*dgyy-st*cp*dgyz) dgpps(it,ip) = two/r*gpps(it,ip) +r2*st2*(sp2*dgxx & -two*cp*sp*dgxy+cp2*dgyy) END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE cartesian_to_spherical