# Parameter definitions for thorn Maximal # $Header$ shares:grid USES KEYWORD domain "" { } shares:einstein EXTENDS KEYWORD slicing "" { "maximal" :: "maximal slicing" } "" restricted: ####MAXIMAL PARAMETER KEYWORD max_solver "maximal solvers to use" { "sor" :: "the SOR solver" "petsc" :: "the PETSc sovler" "bam" :: "the BAM solver" } "sor" ####MAXHELPS PARAMETERS KEYWORD maxhelps "using the max.solver in certain intervals" { "yes" :: "use maxhelps: set maxhelps_[ievery,istart,iend]" "no" :: " do not use maxhelps" } "no" CCTK_INT maxhelps_ievery "Apply maximal every n iteration" { 1: :: "integer greater one" } 1 CCTK_INT maxhelps_istart "Start maxhelps after iteration n" { -1: :: "to activate use integer greater zero" } -1 CCTK_INT maxhelps_iend "End maxhelps after iteration n" { -1: :: "to activate use integer greater zero" } -1 # BOUNDARIES KEYWORD max_bound "maximal boundary to apply during ellipic solve" { "const" :: "constant boundary: set max_const_v0" "robin" :: "Robin boundary: set max_robin_falloff, max_robin_inf } "const" CCTK_REAL max_const_v0 "value of constant BC during maximal ell.solve" { : :: "anything goes" } 0.0 CCTK_INT max_robin_falloff "Fall-off of Robin BC during maximal ell.solve" { 0: :: "any positive integer value" } 1 CCTK_REAL max_robin_inf " inf-value of Robin BC during maximal ell.solve" { : :: "anything goes" } 0.0 # MISC CCTK_REAL maximal_thresh "Solution precision FIXME" { 0: :: "positive real" } 0.0001 BOOLEAN max_traceless "Enforce traceless extrinsic curvature within maximal [yes/no]" { } "no" CCTK_REAL max_kdriver_c "better FIXME" { 0: :: "positive real" } 0.0 BOOLEAN max_kdriver "Use driver for ex.curv.[yes/no] Set max_kdriver_c " { } "no" BOOLEAN max_full "Use full maximal FIXME [yes/no]" { } "no" BOOLEAN max_errdriver "Use error driver [yes/no] Resets max_kdriver_c" { } "no" BOOLEAN max_ideal "NO IDEA WHAT THIS DOES [yes/no] FIXME" { } "no" BOOLEAN max_shift "NO IDEA WHAT THIS DOES [yes/no] FIXME" { } "no"