# Parameter definitions for thorn PETSc_Elliptic # $Header$ shares: grid USES KEYWORD domain "" { } shares: ellbase USES KEYWORD elliptic_verbose "" { } private: KEYWORD petsc_verbose "PETSc verbose output" { "no" :: "No output" "yes" :: "Some output" "debug":: "Tons of output" } "yes" BOOLEAN petsc_reuse "Reuse parts of the PETSc structure" { } "no" BOOLEAN petsc_coeff_to_one "Divide each line of the matrix by the central value?" { } "no" STRING petsc_KSP_type "See the PETSc Manual, p 49 for options, or look at petsc_ell source" { "." :: }"KSPBCGS" STRING petsc_PC_type "See the PETSc Manual, p 49 for options, or look at petsc_ell source" { "." :: } "PCJACOBI" KEYWORD petsc_nablaform "PETSC nabla form" { "up" :: "" "down" :: "" } "down" #FIXME At the moment we pass toltype explicitly from LinearEllitpic #CCTK_INT PetscTolStyle "PETSc Tolerance flavors FIXME" #{ # 0: :: "" #} 0