!DESC "Test of 1D wave equation with periodic boundaries" ActiveThorns = "CoordBase SymBase boundary ioutil iobasic ioascii pughslab pughreduce pugh time wavetoy1df77 localreduce" driver::global_nx = 101 driver::periodic=yes cactus::cctk_itlast = 50 wavetoy1d::sigma = 0.03 wavetoy1d::center = 0.25 wavetoy1d::bound = "none" time::dtfac = 1.0 io::out_every =5 IOBasic::outScalar_reductions = "norm1 norm2 minimum maximum norm_inf" iobasic::outinfo_vars = "wavetoy1df77::phi" iobasic::outscalar_vars = "wavetoy1df77::phi" ioascii::out1d_vars = "wavetoy1df77::phi" IO::out_dir = "wavetoy1df77" IO::out_fileinfo = "none" # do not use the new scheme for names of output files IO::new_filename_scheme = "no"