CVS info : $Header$ Cactus Code Thorn Norms Thorn Author(s) : Frank Herrmann : Erik Schnetter Thorn Maintainer(s) : Frank Herrmann : Erik Schnetter -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of the thorn: Compute norms of the state vector, e.g. for Mexico tests. These are special norms that make a difference between variables which have a second derivative taken and variables which have not; see gr-qc/0503056. These norms include the gradients of those variables that have a second derivative taken. In doing so, they take all wavelenghts into account -- in contrast, a norm that would be based simply on using centered differences to calculate gradients would not. References: Gioel Calabrese, Ian Hinder, Sascha Husa: Numerical stability for finite difference approximations of Einstein's equations, gr-qc/0503056 (2005)