LD = CC -mips3 -n32 -Wl,-woff,84 -Wl,-woff,85 F77 = f77 CC = cc CXX = CC RANLIB = echo > /dev/null FLIBS = -lftn # IRIX special: Use precompiled headers # Available only of MIPS 7.2.1 compiler, not 7.20 ifdef CXX_PCH_FLAG CXX_PCH_FLAG=-LANG:pch=ON endif CXXFLAGS += -LANG:exceptions=ON -LANG:ansi-for-init-scope $(CXX_PCH_FLAG) SYSCFLAGS = -mips3 -n32 -DFORTRAN_UNDERLINE F77FLAGS = -mips3 -n32 CFLAGS_so =-shared -avoid_gp_overflow # # Linker commands to specify use of static/shared libraries # LINK_WITH_STATIC_LIBS=-Bstatic LINK_WITH_SHARED_LIBS=-Bdynamic # SGI C++ specific libraries CC_LIBS = # How to generate makefile dependencies MAKEDEPENDENCIES = Makefile.depend MAKEDEP = MAKEDEP_FLAGS=-MDupdate $(MAKEDEPENDENCIES) -MDtarget $@ A=so LD_SHARED=-shared -no_unresolved -set_version sgi1.1 -rdata_shared -soname lib$(TARGET).so # For some reasons these standard includes are not set automatically # at hyper.str.charite.de (MIPS 7.1 compiler, 28 JUL 98) # # INCLUDES += -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/CC # ^ this was a bad idea. It causes the standard paths not to be included # at the very end. We had problems with an old tcl-version installed under # /usr/include... # # This is a workaround since CXXFLAGS are set to # $(INCLUDES) $(SYSCFLAGS) $(MAKEDEP_FLAGS) $(CFLAGS_so) # MAKEDEP_FLAGS += -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/CC