CCC# /*@@ CCC# @file restrict3.F CCC# @date Tue Jan 30 14:39:23 1996 CCC# @author Paul Walker CCC# @desc CCC# Restriction routines for the DNA code. CCC# @enddesc CCC# @@*/ CCC# CCC# CCC# /*@@ CCC# @routine restrict3 CCC# @date Tue Jan 30 14:39:19 1996 CCC# @author Paul Walker CCC# @desc CCC# This is a simple injecting restriction. Note it could probably be CCC# more efficient (see the triple loop with the "if" in it below) but CCC# it was coring out, so for now, I'll just leave it like this. CCC# @enddesc CCC# @calledby main, RecursiveAMRStep CCC# @comment CCC# @seeroutine main and @seeroutine RecursiveAMRStep do not actuall CCC# "call" this routine. @seeroutine main sets it as the restrict function, CCC# and @seeroutine RecursiveAMRStep calls DAGH retrict, which calls CCC# (*rfunc). CCC# @endcomment CCC# @@*/ subroutine restrict3(datf,lbf,ubf,shapef, & datc,lbc,ubc,shapec, & lbr,ubr,shaper,args,argc) implicit none integer lbf(3),ubf(3),shapef(3) integer lbc(3),ubc(3),shapec(3) integer lbr(3),ubr(3),shaper(3) real*8 datf(shapef(1),shapef(2),shapef(3)) real*8 datc(shapec(1),shapec(2),shapec(3)) integer argc real*8 args integer dif, dic c coordinates in 123 space integer i,j,k, ii, jj, kk c coordinates in the logical integer space integer ic, jc, kc, if, jf, kf, ir, jr, kr dif = (ubf(1)-lbf(1))/(shapef(1)-1) dic = (ubc(1)-lbc(1))/(shapec(1)-1) c Lets hope the restricted region overlaps both the grids... do ir=lbr(1),ubr(1),dic i = (ir-lbc(1))/dic + 1 ii = (ir-lbf(1))/dif + 1 do jr=lbr(2),ubr(2),dic j = (jr-lbc(2))/dic + 1 jj = (jr-lbf(2))/dif + 1 do kr=lbr(3),ubr(3),dic k = (kr-lbc(3))/dic + 1 kk = (kr-lbf(3))/dif + 1 c OK we know the restrictive region will be in the coarse grid, c but not neccesarily in the fine so check if (( $ ( $ ( then datc(i,j,k) = datf(ii,jj,kk) endif enddo enddo enddo return end