# Parameter definitions for thorn WaveToy # $Header$ shares: grid EXTENDS KEYWORD type "" { } private: LOGICAL use_wavetoy "Use wavetoy?" { } "no" REAL dtfac "The timestep condition dt = dtfac*dx" { 0:* :: "Should probably be bigger than zero" } 0.5 REAL kx "The wave number in the x-direction" { *:* :: "No restriction" } 4.0 REAL ky "The wave number in the y-direction" { *:* :: "No restriction" } 0.0 REAL kz "The wave number in the z-direction" { *:* :: "No restriction" } 0.0 REAL amplitude "The amplitude of the waves" { *:* :: "No restriction" } 1.0 KEYWORD initial_data "Type of initial data" { "plane" :: "Plane wave" "spherical" :: "Spherical wave" "box" :: "Box wave" } "spherical" KEYWORD bound "Type of boundary condition to use" { "none" :: "No boundary condition" "periodic" :: "Periodic boundary condition" } "none"