# Interface definition for thorn Mahc_Init_Data # $Header$ # Mahc_Init_Data: Various Initial Data Routines for Mahc_Evolve # Copyright (C) 2001 Mark Miller implements: mahc_init_data inherits: gen_rel_perfect_fluid friend: gen_rel_perfect_fluid protected: INT Mahc_Init_eos_control type = SCALAR { mahc_init_eos_handle } "variable to hold the handle of the eos used in Mahc_Init with EOS_1D_Base" cctk_real tov_arr type=array Dim=1 size=mahc_init_ntov DISTRIB=CONSTANT { presstov, rhotov, epstov, phitov, mtov, r_schwartov, r_isotov } "1-D arrays used in TOV solves."