# Parameter definitions for thorn NHTWNN # $Header$ shares: grid USES KEYWORD domain "" { } private: KEYWORD evolution_system "Which Newtonian Evolution Scheme to use" { "NHTWNN" :: "Newtonian Hydro Thorn" "none" :: } "none" CCTK_REAL gamma "Adiabatic index for equation of state" { 1.0 : :: "" } 2.0 CCTK_REAL eosk "Polytropic constant in the EOS" { 0.0 : :: "" } 26.7068823065 KEYWORD model "Type of problem to run" { "shocktube" :: "Generate shocktube data" "laneemden" :: "Generate gamma = 2 intial data" "ns" :: "Generate arbitrary gamma data" "laneemden" :: "Generate equilibrium data" "orbit" :: "Generate generic orbit data" } "laneemden" KEYWORD rotate "Set up initial rotating config" { "yes" :: "set up rotating star model" "no" ::"" } "no" KEYWORD perturb "set up initial perturbation" { "yes" :: "set up perturbation" "no" :: "" } "no" KEYWORD boundary "Type of bc to apply to hydro variables" { "static" :: "Apply a bc that is constant in time" "flat" :: "Apply a bc that d/dx = 0 across the boundary" } "static" KEYWORD analysis "Perform Analysis Routines" { "conserved" :: "Calculate conserved quantites" "shocktube" :: "Compare to Exact shocktube solution" "none" :: "No Analysis" } "none" KEYWORD new_analysis "calculate M, energy..etc" { "yes" ::"do analysis" "no" ::"" } "no" INT analysis_skip "Frequency of doing analysis" { : ::"must be greater than 0" } 1 KEYWORD potential_boundary "Specify the potential boundary condition" { "integrate" :: "Integrate the potential over mass blocks" "outerBC" :: "Use thorn_outerBC" "pointmass" :: "Use the point-mass approximation" "pairmass" :: "Use the two point-mass approximation" "none" :: "Use constant BC" } "none" KEYWORD hydro_reconstruct "method to do the reconstruction of hydro" { "piecewise" :: "piecewise-constant and piecewise-linear" "ppm" :: "PPM" } "piecewise" KEYWORD newt_eos "ideal fluid or adiabatic condition" { "ideal_fluid" :: " " "adiabatic" :: "assume adiabatic condition" } "ideal_fluid" CCTK_REAL bound_phi_threshold "Threshold size of mass blocks for integration" { 0 : :: "" } 1.0e-6 INT bound_phi_local_blocks "Maximum number of local mass blocks" { 0 : :: "" } 1000 KEYWORD bound_phi_normalize "Normalize the integration results" { "YES" :: "Scale integration to agree exactly with the total mass" "NO" :: "Sum the integral over finite blocks only and neglect the remaining mass" } "NO" KEYWORD potential_update "Specify Method to update the potential" { "solve" :: "Solve using elliptic solver" "analytic" :: "Use the analytic solution for non-deformed stars" "top" :: "Solve the elliptic equation at the beginning of the evolution step" "bottom" :: "Solve the elliptic equation at the end of the evolution step" "lead" :: "Solve the elliptic equation in the middle of the evolution step" "once" :: "Solve the elliptic equation only once (at the beginning of evolution)" "none" :: "No gravity" } "none" KEYWORD potential_fix "fix the potential" { "yes" :: "fix the potential to initial value" "no" :: "" } "no" INT potential_skips "Frequency of solving the elliptic equation for the potential" { 1 : :: "Must be greater than zero" } 1 CCTK_REAL abs_tolerance "Abs tolerance for elliptic solves" { : :: "" } 1.0d-5 CCTK_REAL rel_tolerance "Rel tolerance for elliptic solves" { : :: "" } -1 KEYWORD solver "Elliptic solver to use" { "sor" :: "sor" "bam" :: "bam" "petsc" :: "petsc" } "sor" KEYWORD flux_limiter "Method of flux limiting" { "superbee" :: "Use the superbee flux limiting scheme" "minmod" :: "Use the minmod flux limiting scheme" "vanleer" :: "Use the VanLeer flux limiting scheme" "mc" :: "Use the monotonized central-difference scheme" "none" :: "Do not perform flux limiting" } "minmod" CCTK_REAL shock_left_density "Lefthand mass density for shocktube initial data" { 0 : :: "Currently negative densities are not supported" } 1.0e-3 CCTK_REAL shock_right_density "Righthand mass density for the shocktube initial data" { 0 : :: "Currently negative densities are not supported" } 1.25e-4 CCTK_REAL shock_left_pressure "Lefthand pressure for shocktube initial data" { 0 : :: "Currently negative pressures are not supported" } 1.0e-6 CCTK_REAL shock_right_pressure "Righthand pressure for the shocktube initial data" { 0 : :: "Currently negative pressures are not supported" } 1.0e-7 CCTK_REAL shock_x_component "X component of the vector normal to the initial shock" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL shock_y_component "Y component of the vector normal to the initial shock" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL shock_z_component "Z component of the vector normal to the initial shock" { : :: "" } 1.0 INT polytrope_integ_n "Number of points used to integrate the polytropic solution out" { 0 : :: "" } 800 CCTK_REAL polytrope_integ_radius "Outer radius of integration for polytropic data" { 0 : :: "" } 20.0 KEYWORD atmosphere_type "Treatement of the atmosphere" { "normal" :: "No special treatment" "polytropic" :: "Low densities follow polytropic EOS" "fixed" :: "fixed hydro outside the star" } "normal" CCTK_REAL atmosphere_density "Atmosphere mass density" { 0 : :: "Negative density currently not supported" } 1.0e-9 INT total_stars "Number of stars in the simulation" { 1 : 2 :: "One or two" } 1 CCTK_REAL central_density1 "Central mass density of star 1" { 0 : :: "" } 4.046721462e-3 CCTK_REAL x_position1 "X coordinate of the center of star 1" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL y_position1 "Y coordinate of the center of star 1" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL z_position1 "Z coordinate of the center of star 1" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL x_velocity1 "X velocity of star 1" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL y_velocity1 "Y velocity of star 1" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL z_velocity1 "Z velocity of star 1" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL central_density2 "Central mass density of star 2" { 0 : :: "" } 4.046721462e-3 CCTK_REAL x_position2 "X coordinate of the center of star 2" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL y_position2 "Y coordinate of the center of star 2" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL z_position2 "Z coordinate of the center of star 2" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL x_velocity2 "X velocity of star 2" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL y_velocity2 "Y velocity of star 2" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL z_velocity2 "Z velocity of star 2" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL frame_omega "Angular velocity of the reference frame" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL mass_omega "Angular velocity of the mass on the grid" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL perturb_amp "perturbation amplitude" { : :: "" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL bernoulli_tol "tolerance of Bernoulli equation" { : :: "" } 1.e-6 INT stencil_size "stencil size" { : :: "" } 2