# Parameter definitions for thorn WormMigrator # $Header$ shares: resourcebase USES KEYWORD machinefinder restricted: INT ms_reannounce "Reannounce service to AIS" { -1:* :: "Update interval in seconds" } -1 STRING timingdata "Name of data file for timing data" { .* :: "Filename" } "" STRING exerep_dir "Name of exerep directory" { .* :: "Directory of exerep" } "" STRING exerep_host "Host of exerep" { .* :: "Host of exerep" } "" BOOLEAN ms_dataout "Output migration statistics (server only) ?" STEERABLE=ALWAYS { } "yes" BOOLEAN ms_migbench "Output migration benchmark statistics (single worm and server only) ?" { } "yes" STRING ms_logdir "Output migration statistics, data directory (server only) " { .* :: "Directory" } "" INT ms_copyf_timeout "Timeout for Copy Operation in sec" { 1:10000:: "Timeout" } 1800 INT ms_feedb_timeout "Timeout for Copy Operation in sec" { 1:10000:: "Timeout" } 1800 INT autorec_check "How often to check for timeouts" { 1:10000:: "Intervall / sec" } 30