# Interface definition for thorn CoupledDiffusion2D # $Header$ implements: diff2d inherits: grid CCTK_REAL fields type=GF dim=3 timelevels=3 { u0, u1, u2, u3 } "The fields" CCTK_REAL stencil type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { cc00, ce00, cw00, cn00, cs00 cc11, ce11, cw11, cn11, cs11 cc22, ce22, cw22, cn22, cs22 cc33, ce33, cw33, cn33, cs33, cc01, cc02, cc10, cc13, cc20, cc23, cc31, cc32 } "The stencil coefficients" CCTK_REAL rhs type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { R0, R1, R2, R3 } "The right-hand-side vectors" CCTK_REAL sources type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { S0, S1, S2, S3 } "The source terms" CCTK_REAL cgwsnosync type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { Ap0, Ap1, Ap2, Ap3, As0, As1, As2, As3, sumGF } "Workspace for the CG solver" CCTK_REAL cgwsw type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { w0, w1, w2, w3 } "Workspace for the CG solver" CCTK_REAL cgwsp type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { p0, p1, p2, p3 } "Workspace for the CG solver"