# Interface definition for thorn CoupledLaplace2D # $Header$ implements: laplace2d inherits: grid public: CCTK_REAL fields type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { u1, u2 } "The functions being solved for" CCTK_REAL stencil type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { cc1, ce1, cw1, cn1, cs1, cc2, ce2, cw2, cn2, cs2 } "GF's which encode the coefficient array" CCTK_REAL righthandsides type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { rhs1, rhs2 } "GF's which each hold a part of the rhs vector" CCTK_REAL cgworkspace type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { p1, Ap1, w1, As1, p2, Ap2, w2, As2 } "Grid functions needed by the CG solver"