# Interface definition for thorn Reactor2 # $Header$ implements: reactor inherits: grid private: CCTK_REAL fields type=GF dim=3 timelevels=2 { theta, fA, fB, fC, fD, P } "The dimensionless temperature and concentrations" CCTK_REAL deltas type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { dtheta, dfA, dfB, dfC, dfD, dP } "The linearized quantities" CCTK_REAL stencil type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { ctc, cte, ctw, ctn, cts, cfc, cfe, cfw, cfn, cfs, cpc, cps } "The stencil coefficients" CCTK_REAL params type=SCALAR { f0, MWave, rho0, Cpave, rhoave, G, Der, Dez, cA0, hw, thetac, ergun_fac } "Some derived parameters" CCTK_REAL jacobian type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { Jttc, Jtte, Jttee, Jttw, Jttww, Jttn, Jtts, Jttss, JtAc, JtBc, JtCc, JtDc, JtPc, JAtc, JAtn, JAts, JAAc, JAAe, JAAee, JAAw, JAAww, JAAn, JAAs, JAAss, JABc, JABn, JABs, JACc, JACn, JACs, JADc, JADn, JADs, JAPc, JAPn, JAPs, JBtc, JBtn, JBts, JBAc, JBAn, JBAs, JBBc, JBBe, JBBee, JBBw, JBBww, JBBn, JBBs, JBBss, JBCc, JBCn, JBCs, JBDc, JBDn, JBDs, JBPc, JBPn, JBPs, JCtc, JCtn, JCts, JCAc, JCAn, JCAs, JCBc, JCBn, JCBs, JCCc, JCCe, JCCee, JCCw, JCCww, JCCn, JCCs, JCCss, JCDc, JCDn, JCDs, JCPc, JCPn, JCPs, JDtc, JDtn, JDts, JDAc, JDAn, JDAs, JDBc, JDBn, JDBs, JDCc, JDCn, JDCs, JDDc, JDDe, JDDee, JDDw, JDDww, JDDn, JDDs, JDDss, JDPc, JDPn, JDPs, JPts, JPAs, JPBs, JPCs, JPDs, JPPc, JPPs } "Representation of the Jacobian matrix" CCTK_REAL genterms type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { Hstar, RAstar, RBstar, RCstar, RDstar } "Generation terms from kinetics" CCTK_REAL sources type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { St, SA, SB, SC, SD } "Source terms" CCTK_REAL auxiliaries type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { uz, Pout } "Auxiliary variables" CCTK_REAL nonlinear type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { Nt, NA, NB, NC, ND, NP } "Nonlinear terms" CCTK_REAL residuals type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { Rt, RA, RB, RC, RD, RP } "Residuals" CCTK_REAL cgworkspace type=GF dim=3 timelevels=1 { Ast, AsA, AsB, AsC, AsD, Apt, ApA, ApB, ApC, ApD, wt, wA, wB, wC, wD, pt, pA, pB, pC, pD, pP } "Some arrays for the CG solver"