#-------------------------------------------------------- # TAU profiling #-------------------------------------------------------- # Timing and PAPI event counters STRING clock_event[20] "Event type for TAU counter" { ".*" :: "event name" } "" #-------------------------------------------------------- # Memory usage monitoring KEYWORD memory_monitor "Type of memory usage monitoring" { "none" :: "memory usage monitoring disabled" "sampled" :: "sample memory usage at regular intervals" "timer" :: "track memory usage at timer entrance and exit points" } "none" INT memory_sampling_period "Period for memory usage sampling" { 0:* :: "sampling period in seconds" } 10 #-------------------------------------------------------- # TAUClocks internal clocks support BOOLEAN memory_trace_enable "Store and dump trace of memory usage" { } "no" STRING memory_trace_file "Memory trace file name" { ".*" :: "file name" } "TAUClocks_memory_trace.dat" #-------------------------------------------------------- # Statistics output options STRING output_file "TAU statistics output file name" { ".*" :: "file name" } "TAU_results.dat" INT dump_every "Number of iterations between consecutive statistics dumps" { 0:0 :: "no dumps" 1:* :: "period between dumps" } 0 # TAU statistics are saved by default at the end of run; this will # cause TAU to write files containing intermediate statistics every # fixed number of steps (specified in dump_every) BOOLEAN save_intermediate_profiles "Save intermediate TAU profile data" { } "no" # enable intermediate global statistics computed by TAUClocks based on TAU data BOOLEAN output_intermediate_statistics "Output intermediate statistics" { } "no" # enable final global statistics computed by TAUClocks based on TAU data BOOLEAN output_final_statistics "Output final statistics" { } "no" #-------------------------------------------------------- # Parameters from other thorns SHARES: IO USES STRING out_dir