# Parameter definitions for thorn Announce # $Header$ shares: io uses STRING out_dir restricted: BOOLEAN verbose "Give all information" { } "no" BOOLEAN portal_register "Register with portal ?" { } "yes" BOOLEAN portal_deregister "Deregister from portal ?" { } "yes" BOOLEAN send_parfile "Send parameter file to portal ?" { } "no" INT portal_update "How often to update portal ?" { 0:* :: "Positive, zero means never" } 1000 KEYWORD jobtype "Type of Cactus application" { "default" :: "Default Cactus job type" } "default" STRING project_name "Project name to associate with your simulation" { .* :: "String" } "Some Cactus Project" STRING app_title "Title of application announcing to portal" { .* :: "String" } "My Cactus Simulation" STRING portal_host "Host running the Portal" { .* :: "hostname" } "portal.cct.lsu.edu" INT portal_defaultport "Default port for Portal" { 0:* :: "Default port number" } 9296 STRING portal_username "User name on portal to map to" { .* :: "String" } "" STRING data_directory "Directory for appliation data" { .* :: "String" } "" STRING app_visibility "Public or Private simulation" { .* :: "public/private" } "private" STRING notification_methods "How you would like to be notified of your simulations status" { .* :: "none,mail,aim,sms" } "mail,aim,sms" STRING notification_reports "Which reports you would like to receive about your simulation" { .* :: "none,register,update,deregister" } "register,update,deregister" STRING notification_recipients "Who should be informed about the simulations progress? Requires portal usernames. If none are specified, no messages will be sent." { .* :: "String" } "" STRING output_files "The type and name of any output files from the app" { .* :: "Comma delimited list of file type and name tuples. eg image:bicycle.jpg" } ""