CVS info : $Header$ Cactus Code Thorn FFTW Thorn Author(s) : Erik Schnetter Thorn Maintainer(s) : Erik Schnetter -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of the thorn: This thorn provides routines that perform a Fourier transformation on grid functions. It uses the FFTW library which is available from Steve White reports on July 6, 2006: Didn't TAT/FFTW previously compile on Peyote? Anyway, it doesn't now. Preprocessing /data1/swhite/Cactus_bench/arrangements/TAT/FFTW/src/transform.c Compiling /data1/swhite/Cactus_bench/arrangements/TAT/FFTW/src/transform.c /data1/swhite/Cactus_bench/configs/all/build/FFTW/transform.c(12): catastrophic error: could not open source file "rfftw_mpi.h" # include I suggest that this thorn use a configuration script that warns the user beforehand if this header file isn't available. Erik Schnetter responds on July 6, 2006: - The thorn should also work with the FFTW library version 3, which has been around for some time. This may be the problem on Peyote. - The thorn should use CactusExternal/FFTWlib. - CactusExternal/FFTWlib should not use some ad-hoc searching, but should use autoconf instead, looking for the very include files and libraries it actually wants to use, or which it advertises as available to FFTW. - Or maybe it should just use the GSL instead, which seems to be a bit easier to use. FFTW has decayed. People don't seem to be interested. We should flag the thorn as yellow -- not green any more, but still salvageable with little effort, not yet red. It's a question of user interest at the moment, I guess.