# Parameter definitions for thorn FFTW # $Header$ BOOLEAN verbose "Verbose screen output" { } "no" BOOLEAN veryverbose "Very verbose screen output" { } "no" STRING gridfunctions "Set of grid functions to transform" { ".*" :: "List of grid function names, with options indicating the target of the transformation, as in: src[ft='dst' power='pwr']" } "" CCTK_INT transform_every "Transform every so many iterations" { 1:* :: "" } 1 BOOLEAN use_mpi "Use MPI versions of FT routines (only if MPI is available)" { } "yes" CCTK_INT zero_mode_position[3] "Desired grid position of the zero Fourier mode" { *:* :: "" } 0 CCTK_INT num_output_gridfunctions "Number of grid functions that should be allocated for output of Fourier transforms" { 0:* :: "" } 0