# Parameter definitions for thorn PadHydro # $Header$ PRIVATE: BOOLEAN verbose "Produce some screen output" STEERABLE=always { } "yes" BOOLEAN veryverbose "Produce much screen output" STEERABLE=always { } "no" SHARES: Pad USES CCTK_INT global_max_num_particles USES CCTK_REAL smoothing_length PRIVATE: CCTK_REAL particle_spacing "Initial particle spacing" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "should be <= O(smoothing_length)" } 0.1 CCTK_REAL inner_radius "Inner radius of initial particle distribution" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "must be positive" } 0.25 CCTK_REAL outer_radius "Outer radius of initial particle distribution" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "must not be less than inner_radius" } 0.75 CCTK_REAL density "Mass density for initial particle distribution" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "should be positive, must be non-zero" } 1.0 CCTK_REAL pressure "Pressure for initial particle distribution" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "should be positive, must be non-zero" } 1.0 CCTK_REAL oscillation_amplitude "Amplitude of imposed oscillation (in units of the local sound speed)" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "zero to switch it off" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL oscillation_half_wavelength "Half wave length of imposed oscillation" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "should be a whole divisor of the stellar radius" } 1.0 CCTK_INT num_analysis_shells "Number of spherical shells for analysing the particle distribution" { 0:* :: "should be >= O(outer-radius / smoothing_length)" } 20 CCTK_REAL analysis_spacing "Size of a single analysis shell" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "should be O(smoothing_length)" } 0.1 CCTK_REAL atomic_mass_unit "Atomic mass unit (1/12 the mass of C-12)" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "should be non-negative" } 1.6605402e-27 CCTK_REAL Boltzmann_constant "Boltzmann constant k_B (aka universal gas constant)" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "should be non-negative" } 1.380658e-23 CCTK_REAL molecular_mass "Molecular mass in multiples of the atomic mass unit" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "should be non-negative" } 2.0 CCTK_REAL gamma "Isentropic exponent" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "should be greater than one" } 1.6666666666666667 CCTK_REAL gravitational_constant "Gravitational constant G" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "should be non-negative" } 6.67259e-11 CCTK_REAL central_mass "Mass of central object" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "should be non-negative" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL xfactor "XSPH factor" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "should be between zero and one; zero to turn it off" } 0 CCTK_REAL vfactor "SPH relaxation factor" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "should be non-negative; zero to turn it off" } 0 BOOLEAN selfgravity "Activate self-gravity" STEERABLE=always { } "no" STRING solver "Solver for elliptic equations" STEERABLE=always { ".*" :: "must be a TATelliptic solver" } "TATJacobi" STRING options "Options for the elliptic solver" STEERABLE=always { ".*" :: "must be a valid options table" } "" CCTK_INT star_max_num_points "Maximum number of points for star structure" { 0:* :: "should be generous" } 1000 CCTK_REAL star_spacing "Grid spacing for star structure" STEERABLE=always { 0:* :: "should be of the same order of magnitude as the grid spacing" } 0.1