tutorialenv -- this is more of an install You say that the C++ development kit is installed, but it doesn't come that way on all distros If we are going to discuss installation, add installation of Einstein Toolkit through Mojave Using Mojave/Eclipse Note: We should have EinsteinToolkit pre-installed Need EinsteinToolkit intro slide Mojave Menu Edit Variables set thornlist Build Edit Variables set parameter file Run Ctrl-Shift-R locates a file Locate a source file Introduce an error Close the source file Mojave > Build Click on error and the source file opens Views and Perspectives View Outline View aids navigation of code open a source file and click Close and open outline view Ctrl-L takes you to a line number Ctrl-Shift-F reformat code Ctrl-F finds some text Ctrl-E cycles through open files Alt-Left Arrow and Alt-Right Arrow Move around in file F3 Go to type declaration F5 Refresh from disk Create a file outside of Eclipse Refresh to see it Left-Click and Drag to open multiple edit windows Project Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols set #defines Cactus Intro History AEI Awards Physics Problems etc. Basic concepts Flesh vs. Thorns Example Thorns CactusIOJpeg HTTPD Driver Thorns Carpet PUGH show and describe a .th file Example Flesh Show a param.ccl Grid Function Show some interface.ccl code, describe Schedule Tree Show some schedule.ccl code, describe First Thorn Discussion of the Game of Life (life.cc code) Creating a thorn * Hari is working on Eclipse way to call "make newthorn" inside Eclipse Discussion of the Cactus thorn, Tutorial/Life schedule.ccl time bin INITIAL We schedule two routines here, and they run sequentially. The value in seed_val is synched between invocations by means of the after clause. Note that synchronizing the seed value is somewhat useless the way things are now, but we see how to create a global scalar. life_pboard runs at POSTSTEP. This means it runs before the first and after every additional step. life_evolve runs at EVOL. mpirun -np 2 ./exe/cactus_Cfg1 -roe pars/life.par Runs in parallel using ghost zones! Printing doesn't work so well though.