\documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \begin{document} \section*{LONI Training Account} Each participant is expected to have an \texttt{SSH} client installed on their personal computers. This is needed to login to the LONI cluster \texttt{QueenBee} (\texttt{queenbee.loni.org}).\\[2em] Please fill out the following form and return it.\\[2em] \begin{tabular}{p{6cm}|p{6cm}} Account: & \verb|trainXX|\\ \hline\\ Password: & \verb|PASSWD|\\ \hline\\ Your name: &\\ \hline\\ Your email:&\\ \hline\\ Your title: (student, prof., ect.)&\\ \hline\\ Department:&\\ \hline\\ Insitution:&\\ \hline\\ Race: (Optional - NSF reporting)&\\ \hline\\ Gender: (Optional - NSF reporting)&\\ \end{tabular} \end{document}